MGROW serves the people, places, and organizations within the Middle Grand River watershed.
Mission and History
MGROW is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 2011 as an umbrella group serving the people and organizations within the Middle Grand River watershed. Its mission is to protect and preserve the history and the natural resources of the Middle Grand River watershed by promoting education, conservation, restoration, and wise use of watershed resources.
MGROW flowed from the Grand River Expedition 2010. Previous Expeditions were held in 1990 and 2000 which inspired the creation of similar citizen based protective groups for the Upper and Lower Grand River areas. Since 2011, active local organizations cover the entire Grand River system. The three groups work in Partnership for the good of the Grand River's land and water resources, it's citizen and it's history.
From organizing paddling expeditions and river clean-ups, to developing water trails and educational campaigns, MGROW continues to work to improve the quality of and access to natural resources in the Middle Grand River. Join us on the water!