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Pollution Isn't Pretty

MGROW developed a water resources brand, Pollution Isn’t Pretty. The campaign streamlines multiple organizations' educational efforts to create clear, consistent messages that educate area residents about water quality concerns and what they can do to reduce pollution and protect our region’s water resources. To learn more about Pollution Isn’t Pretty, visit


In addition to the online campaign, billboards, brochures, and trail signage was developed to share the message.  Over 300 trail signs (see right) are still on display at parks throughout the Tri-County area.

This campaign received the 2013 Gold ADDY Award. The ADDYs are considered the world's largest advertising competition that recognizes creative excellence in all forms of media and design.

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2021 MGROW | Middle Grand River Organization of Watersheds

MGROW is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Your donation helps us in our mission to protect and preserve the history and natural resources of the Middle Grand River Watershed.

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